Tagged 'backup'


119 votes

Copitor allow you to quick copy/paste selected objects to another Max scene or in another Max if you have 2 3dsMax open. I also like to use it like as a "quick backup" for try something, and to be sure to loose nothing :)

Installation: Drop The file in max viewport and go to Customize ==> Customize User Interface ==> Category: zOffTy Tools ==> Copitor

Copitor installation


11 votes

Unzip the files into your scripts/startup directory.


57 votes

This macroscript is a replacement for the save function. It saves incremental file versions while keeping the name of the latest - most-up-to-date version always the same as the original file. This is good for XRef'ing because the filename does not change. Just add it to your File menu and/or define Ctrl+S as shortcut.
New: Old file versions will now be saved to a subdirectory
v0.61 update: Bug fix to handle non-standard number prefixes; small improvements to the UI and error messages

3dsMax Ini Backup

-11 votes

As you know max 2014 has a bug about resetting to default configuration when max crash, it's becomes pain in the ass when you open max after crash your setting back to default, toolbar become big, caddy become active again , etc... This script do backup and restore max ini setting, so you can go back to previous setting that you already backup. You can specify directory where to save the ini file.

Hope its useful to you.


Note : after do restoring do restart max.

MAXScript mobility

1 vote

MAXScript mobility helps you manage your maxscript properties files. This is convenient if you want to copy a maxscript editor colorscheme or maxscript abbreviations from one version of 3ds Max to another version. You can also use the script to create backups of your maxscript properties files.



19 votes

new in ver 1.1:
saves selected object in the file "copy_paste_buffer.max"
in default scenes directory and make
a backup of old file /"copy_paste_buffer_backup.max"/
merge "copy_paste_buffer.max" in the current scene

script goes in the category “Georgy Chakarov”

autobackup check

19 votes

this script add check button to your toolbar so you can simly turn on/off autoback, if is autoback off a warnig will appear so you never forget turn autoback on and loose your progress if max crash
hope you like it

THIS SCRIPT IS NO LONGER SELF-DISTIBUTED, YOU CAN FIND LATEST VERSION IN MY PACKAGE: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/frodos-magic-scripts-pack-v2

Backup Max INI File

63 votes

Made a copy of Max INI file and save it with the same name (3dsmax.ini) into Archives folder in Max 9 and higher, or into Autoback in previous.

Autoback Toggle

17 votes

A simple script to toggle max's autobackup on and off, this helps me when I work with very big scenes. it also shows you when auto backup is enabled or disabled.

Hierarchy State

31 votes

Hierarchy State

Good for backup/restore scene objects hierarchy

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