Tagged 'collector'

Assembly Tool

11 votes

Assembly Tool
is a massive set of useful scripts and tools gathered in one place! It is a real friend and permanent assistant in artists' daily work, which can help to work faster, more efficiently and more productive! Assembly Tool can help to optimize many areas of 3ds Max workflows, accelerate the performance of your work in 3ds Max in general and make it much easier and more fun!

HQ Assets Tracker

2 votes

New update available. You can download it free at gumroad

hi everyone, have a good day. Just want to share with you a script that I use on my daily basic. It's assets tracking/collecting scripts. It's free and you can use it for all purposes. Type 0$ on the price and you can download it for free. Please view the detail on my gumroad page
My script now supports English and Vietnamese. If you want to translate this script to your language, please contact me

Tertium Organum CollectoREX

25 votes

TOCollectoREX is utility replacing and supplementing standard Resource Collector.

After more than 10 years I've finally decided to turn collectorex from internal utility to a public open source project. In the beginning it was paid utility, now it's completely free and not binded to hardware. Please feel free to edit code and commit here, use it as you like, distribute it freely, I just don't allow to sell my software as your own. That's it.

It allows gather all scene resources together, put them in specified place, find where all missing files are used (exactly in which objects). It can find which files in specified place are no longer used by scene. It also allows convert bitmaps to jpg, etc.
Utility supports XRefs of all types and processes all scenes linked to current.
Unlike all other such scripts, it really finds all resources (images, HDR-images, Vray meshes, IES-files, shaders), not only some bitmaps (Relink Bitmaps, Resource Collector). Below there is full description.

Parameters Collector

2 votes

Collects all parameters within selected objects, modifiers on objects or slate nodes (materials) so you can mass change their values.


just drag&drop to max and the you can find the script inside ProgressiveFX category



- added exception if nothing selected in slate material editor


18 votes

Collects all the scene bitmaps and places them into a single directory, updating your scene to point to their new home.

Open a scene that contains a lot of bitmaps. Run the UI version of the script. Choose a Directory. Hit Do. All the bitmaps you choosed will be copied to the directory you specified, and now all the scene materials point to that directory.

Bitmap Collector

4 votes

This script was created in order to help artists with collecting and re-pathing bitmaps (textures) that are coming into the scene files from all over the places.

This tool will let you automatically re-name the bitmaps based on dynamic names as well as your defined static names. It will then copy all the bitmaps to a single directory of your choosing and automatically re-path the bitmaps in your scene, so that you don't have to manually do a thing.

Here's a quick video demonstrating how it works

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