Bitmap Collector

4 votes
Date Updated: 

This script was created in order to help artists with collecting and re-pathing bitmaps (textures) that are coming into the scene files from all over the places.

This tool will let you automatically re-name the bitmaps based on dynamic names as well as your defined static names. It will then copy all the bitmaps to a single directory of your choosing and automatically re-path the bitmaps in your scene, so that you don't have to manually do a thing.

Here's a quick video demonstrating how it works

Additional Info: 


Copy the duberBitmapCollector.mcr to the UserMacros folder.
Additionally copy the duberBitmapCollector.ini to the plugcfg folder, or, modify lines 23 and 24 of the script to point to your preferred path. This way your defaults will be saved for each session.

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2011


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fajar's picture


find "windows.processPostedMessages() " and make it comment like "--windows.processPostedMessages()". done.

also it work in max 9 too if you make delete @ and make the path "//". BTw you need avg extension.

asymptote's picture

Same message in 2010 64 :(>>

Same message in 2010 64 :(

>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- Unknown property: "processPostedMessages" in #Struct:windows(
sendMessage:) <<

Edit: Ahh, just seem your version requirement, that's a shame...thanks anyway.

Ralf120's picture

max 2009 error message

this is what happen when using it in max 2009 ...

>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- Unknown property: "processPostedMessages" in #Struct:windows(
  sendMessage:<fn>) <<

Giles88's picture

Great script, thanks for your

Great script, thanks for your work! I gave it a try with my new project ( it's about how to download free swf player ) and it worked perfectly. Cheers!

Ralf120's picture

The line causes the problem

The line causes the problem in max 2009 is line 189:

Ralf120's picture

i really need help .. every

i really need help .. every time i click the collect button it stops on the line 189 and i get error message
please see the attached picture ..

capture.jpg 195.41 KB
Ralf120's picture

Error with the collect process

This is what the listener says:


Copied: C:\Maps 01\AS2_leather_01.jpg to: C:\Maps\MyProject_0001.jpg
Retargeted: C:\Maps 01\AS2_leather_01.jpg to: C:\Maps\MyProject_0001.jpg
-- Error occurred in i loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\UI\MacroScripts\duberbitmapcollector.mcr; position: 6762
--  Frame:
--   i: 1
--   called in btnCollect.pressed(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\UI\MacroScripts\duberbitmapcollector.mcr; position: 6833
--  Frame:
--   allInputBitmaps: #("C:\Maps 01\AS2_leather_01.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\AS2_leather_01.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\AS2_leather_01.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\Wood_39_seamless_1024.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\Wood_39_seamless_1024.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\Wood (93).JPG", "C:\Maps 01\AS2_leather_01.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\AS2_leather_01.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\AS2_leather_01.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\Granite (10).JPG", "C:\Maps 01\Granite (1).JPG", "C:\Maps 01\11db9_RedkenSpikeyHair.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\style-102.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\1218-01_hair_in_tub_li.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\aamir-hair-style.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\land08.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\01.JPG", "C:\Maps 01\01.JPG", "C:\Maps 01\46_towel03_diff.jpg", "C:\Maps 01\46_towel03_disp.jpg", ...)
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- Unknown property: "processPostedMessages" in #Struct:windows(
  sendMessage:<fn>) <<

br0t's picture

Without having tested, this

Without having tested, this looks amazingly useful ;) Thanks

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

loocas's picture

Actually, that shouldn't be a

Actually, that shouldn't be a problem.

I'll see about that in the near future as I'm very busy these days. Thanks for the input. :)

By the way, it supports HDRs already.

grasshopper's picture

Great Script


Great script it is really handy to gather all those assets up at the end of a project and prepare the scene for archiving. Is there any chance you can include .ies files and .hdr files in the collection too?? xrefs and Vrayproxy's would be a welcom addition as well. :)

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