Tagged 'Editable Mesh'

Instantly Auto Edges

27 votes

Performs auto edge on all selected Editable Meshes,
making imported Revit or AutoCAD meshes more readable.

Detach Elements

69 votes

Detach all elements on multiple objects with a few options for better scene arrangement,
including convert to mesh, group by source or link to source or point helper.

Detach Elements

Unify / Flip normal polygons

85 votes

Use this script to make normal polygon of the objects.
Unify or flips all the faces of multiple selected objects with/without accses to SubObjects level.

New UI

Function Sculptor

3 votes

zOffset = x^2-y^2

Function Sculptor is a scripted plugin that deforms meshes, polys or splines according to an arbitrary, user-input function. This allows easy creation of an endless variety of smooth, precisely curved surfaces. It also enables the mathematically precise curving of splines for extrusions, path-deforms and lofts.

It uses the world-x, y, and z coordinates of points to displace those points in world-z.

Editable spline shape with 2 sub-splines, before and after sculpt:

Select Vertex Cross-section

40 votes

Extend 3ds Max selection features on Editable Mesh and Editable Poly.

Select Vertex Loop

* [Read Notes]


4 votes

Select all faces with Mareial ID equal to selected one.
Work with base Poly/Mesh & Edit/Select Poly/Mesh Modifiers.
Work on currently selected object/modifier in the modifier stack.

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