Tagged 'free maxscript'

Advanced Bend Modifier

6 votes

A maxscript that gives the user more control over the bend modifier
It lets the user input a width and the script will move the center to get the correct width


- uses smart snap to snap to a custom grid
- easily choose angle and direction
- apply new bend modifier with correct offset
- auto update current bendmodifier with selected settings
- realtime update of all settings!
- support for all 4 directions and 4 angles (90 180 270 360)
- choose your final width
- modify multiple selections at same time
- snap position to grid

Lock Unlock Tool

0 votes

This script lock and unlock the selected Objects in your scene. I made it how I use it in a new scene. First I unhide all objects in the new scene, second select all objects and then unlock them. If you have some problem with your max version please text me.

Script category: “#todorScripts”

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

Simple Traffic

40 votes

Hi All!

This is my first full-length script, and i hope that it will prove useful.

Best regards.

Export Camera to UE4

0 votes

Just select cameras(without target) and run the script. Script will create "Bake Cameras". Then you will need to export all cam in fbx(-z) and import in UE4.

--Support Target Camera, Free, and animation FoV

Script is free

Randomise Mapping

1 vote

This script allow you to randomise mapping of group of objects. Work perfectly with instance objects.


30 votes

Simple tool that mimics Maya procedures (Search and Replace, Jason Schleifer´s hashRename) to easily organize naming conventions in scene nodes.


23 votes

Simple tool inspired in Maya LRA that able users to quickly ajust any node(s) pivot(s) orientation.


33 votes

Custom manipulator objects like spline curves for rigging controls.


17 votes

Simple and handy script that allows user to change a bunch of turbosmooth parameters in scene nodes at once.

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