Tagged 'morpher'

Collapse To Morpher

0 votes

This script allows you to collapse changes to an object but maintain the morpher modifiers with its data intact.

Its idea is to activate every single target 100% ,copy the mesh ,collapse then finally add all targets again, it also work with progressive morph targets.

Works on single objects and only one morpher modifier.

Morpher Utilities

10 votes

A set of tools to work with the morph modifier.


  • Put an edit poly over the morph modifier to make any changes, then use the script to collapse the edit poly keeping the morpher operational. 
  • Extract the shapes to work on them separately and then load them again with one click. 
  • Skinwrap an object on another with a morph modifier, then convert the skinwrap to a new morpher.
  • Copy the animation track from one morpher to another, matching channels by name or number.

Known issues:
morpher channels with spaces on the name cause an error.
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I/O Morpher

1 vote

Exports or imports morpher data to or from a morpher.

Useful for copying morpher information from one file to another or from one head to another.

Morpher Extension Tool

0 votes

Morpher Floater

3 votes




Morph Target Builder

3 votes

This script will help you build a morph target based on a final pose that is compatible with whatever skin you are using. If you need to convert a skin morph to a morpher or use a morph target instead of a skin morph, this should help you.

What it does:
It moves the vertices of a morph target around to make the vertices of the skinned poly match the position of the vertices in the posed poly.

You will need 3 objects:
1. An editable poly with a morpher modifier then a skin modifier (skinPoly).
2. An editable poly to get the final pose vertex position info from (goalPoly).

Prime Automatic LipSync Tool

4 votes

Prime AutoLipsync is text to animation Engine olso Audio Animation engine , Auto/manual timing systems and new Voice Recognition System .

Morph UI Creator

7 votes

A maxscript to Auto create morph UI.
Multiple UI types : 4, 3 and 2 morphs linker.


12 votes

This script use for morpher symmetry + video Tutorial Transform move (Left to Right) (Right to Left) 

Blend Mesh

7 votes


Instead of morphing between two nodes, this modifier allows you to morph between a state of the model before adding one or multiple modifiers and after that (provided that they don't change the object's topology). It works with soft selection – you can select just a part of the mesh to be changed. Up to 30 states in the stack can be saved on a single node, there are 30 data channels to choose from

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