Tagged 'network'


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ECopy is a 3DsMax script by EKDtools.
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Move Populate Files To Network Path

0 votes

If you have ever tried a network render using Populate characters, you've probably noticed that the textures are generated by Max and saved to a local folder on your computer. This isn't very helpful if you are trying to render over network.

This simple script copies the diffuse textures from all Populate people to a new folder you choose, then assigns the new path back to the material.

VrayMultiStageRender ( VrayMultiCamRender )

43 votes

Utility for rendering animation and static scenes in 2 Stages from the animated camera.

At 1st Stage is calculated LightCache in Fly-through mode and

Irradiance Map in incremental add to current map mode for the entire scene,

while 2nd Stage is the final rendering.

This approach allows for all frames receive the same high-quality Irradiance map in less time.
For more information see topic Rendering a walk-through animation from Vray tutorial.

Main Features:

  • Rendering in two stages for to obtain better results in less time.
  • Support for network rendering (BackBurner, Vray Distribute Render, Duma)
  • Ability to exclude from the Global Illumination rendering VrayFur, RPC, some lights and Displace.
  • Automatic creation of animated camera VrayCam.
  • Create subfolders for RenderOutput, RenderElements and irradiance map.
  • Automatized naming LightCache, Irradiance map, RenderOutput and RenderElements.

VrayMultiStageRender v2.0.75

  • Adds ability to auto-convert on the fly Vrimg files to EXR after each frame rendering (supported with network and local rendering)
    It is possible to convert the files into one EXR file with all channels or Render Elements into the separate EXR files.

VrayMultiStageRender v2.0.70

  • Adds ability to exclude objects from rendering per Stage
    (Useful for Exclude from rendering Global Illumination VrayFur,Hair&Fur, Proxy and other Objects)

Will It Finish? ... Render Time Estimator

17 votes

This is a quick calculator for those of you with backburner render farms. It'll estimate how many frames your computer will render versus how many your idle backburner nodes will in a given amount of time.

For example - say you work at a small studio and have a dozen backburner nodes available. It's Friday afternoon, you want to go home but you're concerned that the new glossy objects increased your frame time to 20 minutes / frame on your workstation. But how many can you render on the farm? This tool will help you. For the type of work I do this tool works well - your mileage may vary.

RH Script Manager

16 votes

Designed for big teams where you want to make sure that all the artists have the macroScripts they need and that all of them have the same version.By just running the installer from inside Max it will ask us to specify a name for the new menu that it will create later, a remote folder from where the scripts will be sincronized and a local folder where the scripts will be installed.

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