Tagged 'retopo'

Batch Retopo

0 votes

This Script is intended to retopo multiple objects at once, it has a symmetry option and a density based on surface area option to get the same mesh density across multiple objects.

If you check "Keep Modifiers Stack" and you have symmetry on, you will see that there is a subdivide and a vertex weld modifier added to the modifiers stack, it was needed to avoid gaps between symmetry seams, the built-in"Preprocess Mesh" wasn't working well on open surfaces.


11 votes

TopoLogiK is a new Retopology tool for 3dsmax.

It brings a more procedural and parametric approach to retopology in 3dsmax.

Tutorials : http://hocuspocus-studio.fr/tools/topologik-tutorials/


Instant Meshes Bridge

9 votes

A bridge from 3ds max to instant meshes. Without leaving max interface, it exports, remeshes and imports the remeshed object back based on the parameters in the dialog.

instant meshes bridge

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