
14 votes
Date Updated: 

"VolumePreview generates a preview of environment effects in the viewport including volumetrics - lens effects and shadows. It requires a camera view to generate a preview. After generating the preview data - the viewport displays the volumetric effects - shadows and lens flares in realtime.
View the Example Video"

Version Requirement: 
6; 5
Video URL: 


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JohnnyRandom's picture

I agree, AME changed the way

I agree, AME changed the way bitmaps in the viewport are handled in max2008. I spent some time trying to fix it but it is beyond my scope. :(

Gomi's picture

This would be really handy

This would be really handy but this script doesn't seem to work in max 2010 x64 :(

GomiTron: www.gomi.co.nz

JohnnyRandom's picture

Seems like something changed

Seems like something changed in max2008, something is funky with the render the rendered files are no longer rendering the volumetrics, just renders black no alpha.
Tried to fix it with no success, any help?

Best Regards,

JohnnyRandom's picture

This was brought this up at

This was brought this up at Afterworks forum in regards to volume preview in viewports, really as a feature for FumeFX but he also pointed out this script. So in the meantime (or if it is possible for them to add the feature) I did a very small (literally two lines of code) to Bobo's Volume Preview 034 script to get correct mapping in the viewports, Max8 and higher.

Thanks Bobo for such a cool script!



Viewport Shot


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