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How to create a self-updating Max Script or Macro Script

17 votes
How to create a self-updating Max Script or Macro Script



21 votes

Helium is a Schematic Framework that allows you to create Flow-chart
User Interfaces within 3dsmax, via maxscript. Please see the help file
and example scripts installed by the installer for further instructions
on how to use helium.

View a interface screenshot example

Avguard MAXScript Extension Package

14 votes

The legendary Avguard extensions have been improved even more, adding
dozens of incredibly useful methods/globals for the maxscript


12 votes

On the discreet Maxscript forum Dave Stewert asked if there was a
function to call the color selector. Well there wasn't so I wrote this
maxscript extension. This function programmaticly calls the color
picker dialog. So here it is.

The syntax is like this:

<< color >> GetColorPicker << Title : String >> [alpha: boolean]

Avguard MAXScript Extension Package

14 votes

The legendary Avguard extensions have been improved even more, adding
dozens of incredibly useful methods/globals for the maxscript


16 votes

It exposes the mesh skin intial bind matrix and bones intial bind
matrices. You can get and set them. Note that the set does not
immediately update, you have to do that by hand.


18 votes

A MaxScript extension that allows you to show and hide the UI toolbars.


20 votes

The MorpherCtrl extension provides complete access to the weighted
morpher modifier in MAX R3.0 – without this extension the access
provided is very limited. Using MorpherCtrl, you can assign and delete
new channels, set their weights and individual options, update and
refresh the system – basically drive any aspect of the UI or internals.

Extend XREFScene

20 votes

This little extension will expose the two functions "GetXRefFileName
index" and "SetXRefFileName index name". The bug which this allows us
to overcome is as follows...
When you load two XRefScenes which are the same file, the command
"XRefs.GetXRefFile i" will only ever return the first one. This is
because the names are somehow used as an ID.


21 votes

SuperUtility implements Function Publishing
to provide access to MAXscript. It also has a TrackViewNode that will
load/save the paramblock the utility uses which is viewable in the

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