3ds Max | Scripts


5 votes

"Here is a script that can help in generating dynamic rollouts(controls). You should put the script in stdplugsstdscripts directory. It creates a struct that can be instanced to create dynamic rollouts."


3 votes

Simple down and dirty way to store two materials to assign to objects in your scene. Quickens the process of swapping materials for mattes.


8 votes

This is a function so that scripters can create shape objects easier.

See Through Inverse

3 votes

Just the opposite of the regular see-through mode in Max. It will make everything unselected see-through. Right now it doesn't work with multiple objects selected. I will try to get to that soon.

Tom's Tool

4 votes

Updated version of Tom's can script. Mostly useful for scripters who want to play with the parameters to understand what is going on under the hood. 1.0 Update includes the familiar Can tool plus box - sphere and tube tools.


4 votes

Lets you save and reload the keys of an animation; you can set interpolated or 'last' PRS-keys for all selected objects by one click


1 vote

"Find and Delete redundant faces in meshes. Has option to extract Double Faces to a separate mesh object. This version includes explicit check for MAX version. Version 3.3 relied on an error trapping code and failed to work with MAX 3 correctly. "


3 votes

Scales a series of objects based on the distance between two mouseclicks.

Maya Camera Export

11 votes

"Let's you output camera data (including transformation. fov. resolution and other camera specific data). It exports to an ascii file. with format comments in the file itself. Also attached in the zip is a script for maya that does the same thing (melscript written by Imre Lovasz) (basically. this set is good for exchanging animated camera between the two apps).


4 votes

"This script Position and Orientation constrains one object between two others - with an animateable Custom Attribute for mixing between the two.

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