3ds Max | Scripts


12 votes

Prints the current Active Material Slot Index to the Listener.


3 votes

Displays the velocities of a particle system with color coded streaks.


9 votes

Scripted material plugin called 'Magmalicious' - inspired by Frank Delise's lava shader. For best results add a displacement approximation modifier to your object and adjust from there...

1.4 Update: Added coordinate selection - XYZ or UVW.

Balls Maker

16 votes

Makes a Volleyball - Soccerball - Golfball - Basketball or Baseball

Matrix demon

2 votes

Directly input an objects matrix to warp and scale it. Now works in local space as well. Good fun on cameras!


3 votes

Util for keying and adjusting morpher animations - as well as copying morpher animation from one morpher to another. Updated to allow for better 3ds max 4 support


2 votes

Collection of scripts to aid in polymodelling. This package includes scripts like Slide which slides an edgeloop towards either of it's neighbours. Dissolve - a collection of Laszlo's scripts. Untangle - which takes one selected poly and turns it into a perfect Ngon. MakePoly which lets you select a bunch of vertices and click the button to make a polygon.


7 votes

Scripted Manipulator for Editable_Meshes


3 votes

Simple down and dirty way to store two materials to assign to objects in your scene. Quickens the process of swapping materials for mattes.


8 votes

This is a function so that scripters can create shape objects easier.

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