3ds Max | Scripts


5 votes

If any object travels to another object on a spiral path it is very much annoying to manually create the blending animation of their material. Through this material you can calculate their distance and blending animation of their material. This is very much helpful for creating such scenes like character is going near to fire or touching something with magic wand.

RudeCleanser trackviews

3 votes

It just happened to me. I was suddently unable to open a trackview anymore. Instead of deleting the 3dsmax.ini - once more - I decided to give maxscript a try and search for applicable functions... It's very straightforward - and will delete all the trackviews opened in your maxscene - and hopefully - the one that are opening outside of your screen...

IK Tools

2 votes

This tool can bake IK animation and correct bone's name to pass the requirement of warcraft3.


4 votes

Tools for logo animation. Automatically creates hinge dummies where required. Also options to set visibility tracks.

Random materials by object selected

8 votes

Apply selected material on selected oblect - not by ID but Object. 'Limit 10 materials'
Example: tile - roof or vegetation.

Color correct auto gamma

9 votes

Searches the scene materials and assign color correct to all the difuse maps on te scene keeping the originals under the color correct. additionaly allows you to modify the gamma control on them.

It sets up vray color mapping to work on 2.2 gamma


7 votes

Miscellaneous selection tools (randomly select a set of objects - save/load sub-object selection).


6 votes

Will convert a SuperSpray - Pcloud or PArray to any other of the three systems - keeping as many parameters as it can with the conversion.


5 votes

Any selected objects will have their modifier stacks checked - and any modifier that you specify in there will be deleted.


4 votes

Takes any selection and deselects objects at random based on a weight. Good for selecting random objects from a set and then later applying modifiers or materials to them.

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