
49 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Guillermo M. Leal LLaguno

- July 15-2008: add support for Maxwell 1.7

Convert Materials between Vray-Standard-MentalRay-Maxwell

When converting to Maxwell:
if there is an unsupported map like colorcorrect, checkers etc. it will be removed.
Also if there is a 32 bit bitmap on the opacity channel it will extract the alpha channel and create a new bitmap from it.

See my Gtools_Maxwell_Converter for a more complete conversion of Maxwell materials and more.

Version Requirement: 
3SMax 8 - 2008, Maxwell, Vray
Video URL: 


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regisses's picture

Bro your link seems to be

Bro your link seems to be good but I don't know why it is not working. I am trying to open this link but i am unable to reach it. And you can hire british essay writers to manage your thesis assignment easily. Maybe there is some kind of error in this. Please report it.

Arexity's picture

Where is it? :\

Hello sir, the links don't work. Seems to be a great script.

dipes's picture

Send A Download Link

Hello Sir

Plz Send Gtools Material Converter 3ds Max 2014 Scripts


KenTanker0us's picture

It's gone?

I looked for it, can't find it. I sure wish it was there, I could use it and would love to study it. Too bad.

"Tuesday is Soylent Green Day."

gbercy's picture



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