3ds Max | Scripts


4 votes

Toggles all Move - Rotate and Scale Inheritance for the selected object(s)


5 votes

This script will increase the radius of the brush in skin while painting weights.


3 votes

Bind this script to a hotkey and use it to additively increase the weight for each vert for the selected bone.


3 votes



5 votes

Align Position Rotation and Scale of selection to target from Center to Center


10 votes

Use this script to wire the rotations of a bone chain to a control object. The rotations will be 1 to 1. Meaning all the bones will rotate the same as the control object.


6 votes

This script will apply a wirecolor to the selected obects using a gradient starting dark then getting lighter towards the end of the selection.


8 votes

Takes selected objects (meshs - polys or splines) and seperates all their elements into seperate objects.

Syntax highlighting file for Crimson Editor

10 votes

This is a replacement syntax highliting keyword file for Crimson Editor. It contains nearly all functions - system globals - structs - and a decent number of the major classes as of Max 7. More than 1470 keywords are defined in all -- it's big.


4 votes

Little utility to copy/instance and parent many objects at once

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