Push 2

6 votes

This scripted plug-in was wanted in the forum. It is like the original push modifier but with the option "Straighten Corners" of the shell modifier. You can "push in" and "push out".   -- Update V1.4a --


Additional Info: 

I finally updated to V1.1 :
-Correction of the reported bug.

Now if you change the topology under the "Push2":
first you will have a strange result but no more crash or error message of the script, then you will just need to update manually the modifier by clicking on "Push2".
I didn't find a way to automatically update without crashing Max (I have the version 2012).

Update V1.2 :
-Corrected the unwanted interaction with the modifiers on top of "Push2".

Update V1.3 :
-Convert the value into world units.
-Modify the name to "Push amount"

Update V1.4 :
-Corrected the bug with error message when applying the modifier to a selection with multiple objects.
Notice a limitation : you cannot instanciate this modifier.

Update V1.4a :
-Corrected a "Compile error" that was reported.

Version Requirement: 
2010, 2011, 2012
push2.mse1.75 KB
push2_v1.1.mse1.88 KB
push2_v1.2.mse2.17 KB
push2_v1.3.mse2.21 KB
push2_v1.4.mse2.51 KB
push2_v1.4a.mse2.59 KB


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7man's picture

update 2020 and 2022 are working But..

update 2020 and 2022 are working too..
But when you deselect the object after applying push2 modifier and select the object again the modifier resets and the value doesn't work. you have to delete and apply the modifier again.

3dhippie's picture

3dsmax 2016

this script is working really well, even inside 3dsmax 2014 and 2016. I would love to have a similiar extrude modifier/function. Do you think you could write a script for that, too? You got all the math right already, so I guess it souldn't be a huge deal. If you don't have time for that, maybe you could upload push2, as a non-encrypted maxscript so I could give it a try?

Anyway thanks for this fantastic modifier.

themaxxer's picture

how to install this? if I

how to install this? if I drag and drop and restart max it's gone...

jsrocha's picture


Hi, i use this script a lot, but sometimes when i apply the script, it appears off in the stack - see link image: http://prntscr.com/1ezs9u
do you know why it´s happening?


cptSwing's picture


I tested it on some primitives and simple Editable Poly meshes just now, and it worked fine. I'll keep on using it and report back if it crashes again!

I'm using 3DS Max 2013 x64 Student Version on a Windows 7 machine by the way.

LittleLordPotala's picture

Please, more informations...

I tested it without problem in 3ds Max 2013 64bit PU06 English version.
Could you give more informations, please :
32 or 64 bit, product update, language, the exact operation that produces the crash...
I hope I can help you but I need you to be more precise.

cptSwing's picture

Max '13

I'd love to try this out in Max 2013 .. but it insta-crashes, unfortunately ;)

mad's picture

its ok now, thanks!

its ok now, thanks!

LittleLordPotala's picture

Weird, this bug...

Sorry but I have not this compile error on Max 2012.

Try the version 1.4a (see attached file).

If other people see this bug, feel free to report it, thank you.

push2_v1.4a.mse 2.59 KB
mad's picture

another bug

you did something wrong :) when i load the script it will show error: "compile error: no outer local variable references permitted here: theSel"

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