
11 votes
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buy it on  : http://hocuspocus-studio.fr/tools/product/radius/


Radius is the version 2.0 of my previous tool radius Influence : vimeo.com/35854355

It's really a tool for motion graphics artists.

It comes with a lot of updates and new features :

- You can now link position, rotation, scale, and visibility, but also, the modifiers, morphers and base object float values.

- You can now easily manage these links.

- You have an animable Falloff curve.

- And you can also use a Spline shape instead of a basic Spherical Gizmo.

- A baking / unbaking tool.

- A better detach faces tool.

- A real help file.

- Video tutorials :  http://hocuspocus-studio.fr/tools/radius-tutorials/

Other Software Required: 
3dsmax 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Video URL: 


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3dline's picture



eagleeyez's picture

Tu es un magicien!

Tu es un magicien!

dsp_418's picture

Really great stuff!!

Really great stuff!!

kilad's picture

cool stuff!

cool stuff!

rauquenrol's picture


Thank you guys, I appreciate

as Miauu said, if you want more informations and buy it,
contact me directly from my website.

The licence is sold 40€.

miauu's picture


To pucrhase the script go here and press the Contact me to buy it      :  40€

dollah3d's picture


i like it


dori3d's picture

Nice job man ;)

A very handy tool for Tv work. Hope rauquenrol to make it available for purchase. Nice job man ;)

seba's picture


Thank you for your invaluable contribution and raising 3ds max to a new level!

Leoneli's picture


How much this plugin?

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