3ds Max | Scripts


0 votes

Takes any mesh object - converts it to an editable mesh - then rendomly removes faces based on a weight or percentage faces removed. Made to remove random faces from a particle emitter object - hence randomizing where particles tend to be emitted.


1 vote

Takes any selected objects and instances and mirrors them across the x axis in one button press. A very simple script - I wrote it primarily for people like me who are modeling cars - buildings - helicopters - whatever - and want to build everything on one side and then make frequent previews of what the model will look like with both sides (and who don't want to click on many buttons).

ERCO Lightcontrol

4 votes

ERCO Lightcontrol is aimed on streamlining the setup - overview and animation for higher numbers of lights. Lights are grouped in 'curcuits' - mixing ls-lights - omnis and spot in one curcuit-group is possible. Groups can be dimmed intuitively and stored/recalled as 'scenes'.


8 votes

This script takes all current selected objects - and if they have 'targets' - selects the targets as well - keeping the inital objects still selected.
For example - you can select a target camera and target spot - but not their targets - run this script - and the targets are ADDED to the selection.


4 votes

Allows you to quickly choose a blurscript from a dropdown list and run it.

stan: the noise applicator

5 votes

"Stan is a simple floater that assigns a noise modifier to an object. Useful for creating stones - asteroids - etc. The name 'Stan' derrived from an old English word which means Stone. I decided to change the name because the original name sounds really ridiculous.
Formerly called sharon: the noise applicator"


5 votes

An R4 version of Randy Kreitzman's RCM_stackManager. Restores position in stack when objects reselected. Unzip into your max root directory and restart max4

Camera Cutter

9 votes

"This utility lets you specify when to cut between any number of cameras and creates a new camera animated to that effect. This is not a replacement for Video Post camera cutting for final rendering - but rather a way to view cuts directly in the viewports - and for previews."

Free Bitmaps

5 votes

Free up memory being used by your images after a render.

solver plane constraint

6 votes

"simpler way to assign target for your IK Solver Swivel Angle. Put this script in Animation>Constraints menu. If the selected object is not an IK Chain object - this action item will be greyed out."

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