3ds Max | Scripts


0 votes

Create doors in 3 seconds.

0 votes

Create doors for your architectural visualization project with just a few clicks.

This software has been tested on 3dsMax 2021 and 3dsMax 2023. It is possible to work on 3dsMax 2020 and newer versions.

The material used is 3dsMax Physical Material which is compatible with all renderers such as Vray, Corona, FStorm, and others.

Dappled Light Generator

0 votes

DAPPLED LIGHT GENERATOR is a script that is efficient in automatically creating dappled light effect in 3dsMax. It can be applied flexibly in Archviz projects while saving a lot of time for 3D artists.

.: Compatible with 3dsMax 2018 and higher

.: Compatible with Corona Renderer & Vray Renderer

If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate contact us via email: [email protected]

We will respond as soon as possible.


© ArchvizTools  


1 vote

Markerless Facial motion capture for 3d studio max

0 votes

Hello friends, with this Python script in the attachments, you can capture facial movements without using
markers and transfer these movements to 3ds Max. To do this,

-install the Python program and load the modules used at the beginning of the program below with the "import" statement like opencv , mediapipe and tkinter.
You can download python program from :


and then you can easily install these modules from the cmd prompt by entering "pip install" commands.

Shape Vertex Aligner

2 votes

3dsMax Script for aligning shape vertices by 2 or 4 points

  • By 2 Points each vertex will be aligned depending on its segment direction.

  • By 4 Points - the first 2 Points will determine the direction.

  • with Alt Execute the vertex will be aligned perpendicularly.


1 vote

P_LockSelection is a script that changes the LockSelection function to the Hold method from Toggle. At the same time, these are auxiliary scripts that match this. As a result, users will feel more comfortable operating the gizmo from a distance.

This might be helpful to anyone who manipulates gizmos.

For more information

Mass Randomizer

1 vote

This is an updated version of Arda Kutlu's script "Mass randomizer",
it can now handle groups, you can also select a random amount of sub-object elements.

update 2.0.2 : as requested by dmitry belonosov, you can now shuffle objects position, there is a new button in the position tab.
I didn't add group support for this function, i'll do it in next update...

Distance Shift

1 vote

Distance Shift

Скрипт для точного изменения расстояния выделенных точек или объекта по вектору двух выбранных точек

Установки, перетащить в 3dsmax, после установки вытащить кнопку или назначить хоткей на Distance Shift в категории RUST Script


основные функции:

- замеряем длину между точками

Smart Measure

1 vote

This script is intended to replace the default Measure Tools in 3ds Max.

It can be used to measure common dimensions such as distance, total length, area, angle and dimension of objects in the coordinate system.


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