Spline Control

14 votes
Author Name: 
Vojtech Cada

While working on a small fun project that involved animating splines (Montpellier Tramway Map morph), the limitations of Spline IK and general hostility of spline animation forced me to create my own simple animation-friendly spline control. The advantages over SplineIK are that you can easily control the tangent handles as they have separate controls and at the same time follow the transforms of the knot control (scaling the knot control will scale down the handles as well), and the helpers are oriented along the spline, making precise alignment to target orientation easier (and also make it possible to use Parent coordsys to manipulate the handles).

Additional Info: 

Usage: Select a spline and run the script.

Installation: The .ms file can be run from any location (Maxscript -> Run Script...). If you want to put it in toolbar, menu or quadmenu, you can create a macroscript using Macroscript Creator.

Version Requirement: 
3ds max 9
splineControl.ms2.25 KB


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3dline's picture

error on Open

error will be appear when you Use this script on a SplineIKsolver line as a driver of your spine for example...

error apear on opening of saved scene for all script controller on each vertex and tangent but if you click close it will be turn to normal... but it will fatal error on render farms.


fajar's picture

is it going to add "delete

is it going to add "delete control" feature?


Swordslayer's picture


Support for closed splines added.

Jaber_Zaker_Joybari's picture

Not working with closed spline

Thanks for sharing.

But it seems that it doesn't work for closed spline

Nik's picture

Very cool

Finally, it is possible to control handles several points of spline

Pablo Garcia Martin's picture


Simple&easy, good tool. Thanks

gpaget's picture

good job !

Simple .... and efficient, thanx a lot !

fajar's picture

Its very good ...thanks man

Its very good ...thanks man

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