Sweep Profile

563 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Oleksandr Kramer (Kstudio)

The new version of Sweep Profile PRO has been released

version 1.01.30

  • Adds support to 3Ds Max 2025

version 1.01.27

  • Adds the "Assign" button
  • Adds German and Japanese localizations
  • Better zooming to profile on rendering preview
  • Adds an ability to add multiple directories with profiles using the checkbox "Include Subfolders"
  • Fixes an issue with changing profile dimensions in 3ds Max 2023-2024

The main functionality of the Sweep Pro lies in its ability to offer a quick and convenient way to build architectural profiles using the Sweep modifier.

The pack includes pre-made architectural profiles (10 for the free version and 37 for PRO version), providing users with a solid base to start from.

However, the functionality doesn’t stop there; users also have the option to add new profiles from the scene or add profiles from a specific folder.

Also, the tool has a very convenient option for changing the profile size on the fly.

Do you know that you can set the profile size using convenient measurement units?
For example, if meters or inches are used in the scene, you can still specify the profile size in millimeters (or other measurement units).
Sweep Profile - dimension units
Additional Info: 
  • Creation/updating of architectural profiles in one click
  • Setting profile dimensions
  • Favorites profiles
  • Adding user profiles to the library
  • Use selected edges from Editable Poly [PRO]
  • Studio for rendering profiles [PRO]
  • Profile’s pivot alignment [PRO]
  • Simplified Chinese, French, Spanish, German and Japanese localizations [PRO]
Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2014 and above
Video URL: 


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Kstudio's picture

another surprise from

another surprise from max2013...
Download the update.
Thanks for feedback, guys.

tedhaoyang's picture

hi, here is my error, max 2012 and win 7 64. thank you.

Error occurred in createIniFile(); filename: I:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\TrackScripts\SweepProfile.mse; position: 8798; line: 272
-- Defined in encrypted script
-- called in anonymous codeblock; filename: I:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\TrackScripts\SweepProfile.mse; position: 9062; line: 280
-- Defined in encrypted script
-- Error occurred during fileIn in #I:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\TrackScripts\SweepProfile.mse; line number: 272
-- called in execute(); filename: I:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\TrackScripts\SweepProfile.mse; position: 327; line: 8
-- Defined in encrypted script
-- called in anonymous codeblock
-- Frame:
>> MAXScript MacroScript Error Exception:
-- Runtime error: dotNet runtime exception: Could not find a part of the path 'I:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts\$UserScripts\TrackScripts\SweepProfile.ini'. <<


Avium's picture


Спасибо большое. Скрипты работают, но кроме Sweep Profile. Пишет что could not find a part of the path и ниже указывает почему-то рабочую папку проектов. Само окно с выбором профилей не выскакивает.

Kstudio's picture
Avium's picture

Будет ли работать

Александр скажите, а будет ли этот скрипт работать в 2013 максе, потому как я попробовал его установить, а макс его не находит in Customize?

The Mind Forest's picture

Looks great!

Looks like a useful tool for a time consuming task. Thanks for sharing!!

Check out my site - www.themindforest.com

qiuaki's picture


Ask teacher, what reason is this, I looked at the path, there's the ini file, I use of version seems to be v0.6

qiuaki's picture


Ask teacher, what reason is this, I looked at the path, there's the ini file, I use of version seems to be v0.6

360jie_tu_20120531182633816.jpg 12.73 KB
qiuaki's picture

Because the site does not

Because the site does not provide registered, so cannot download. Could you please send a file to my email, [email protected] and thank you very much

qiuaki's picture

hi Alexander Kramer, Very

hi Alexander Kramer, Very useful script:)sorry i could not find the download link for sweep profile. Could you please send it to my email instead?Thank you very much

[email protected]

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