Tagged 'Symmetry'

miauu's Modifiers' Gizmo Aligner

0 votes

miauu's Modifiers' Gizmo Align allows you to quickly align the gizmo of the Symmetry and Slice modifiers by picking 3 points in the scene



This a commercial script. You can find more information here.

ModMac Script - Modelling Macros and Modifier Presets

2 votes

This is a collection of macros that quickly assigns modifier presets to objects to speed up initial modelling workflows. It also simplifies Boolean operations. Adds Boolean Modifier and Array Modifier support. (2024+)


- Quickly Bool with Objects and Splines.

- Assign Symmetry to multiple Objects with the Gizmo set to certain positions.

- Modifiers get assigned as instances exceptions are mCloth and Unwrap, at least for now.

- Chamfer Objects and Splines.

- Assign mCloth with pinned Vertexes.

- Assign some basic materials.

rBSymPick – symmetry modifier

1 vote



Simple script for add symmetry modifier by clicking point(s). By default when adding symmetry, the mirror position is created at object’s pivot. This script helps to define mirror position automatically by picking point(s).

3 methods:

TexTools: Toolbox for the texture artist

237 votes

Documentation: http://www.renderhjs.net/textools/


2 votes

Script to mirror (or symmetry) morph targets. Just run the script.

Toggle Turbosmooth , shell , and Symmetry

2 votes

Turbosmooth helper dialog

This is a simple script allows you to quickly toggle ( on or off ) all: turbosmooth , shell , and Symmetry modifers in the scene. I use it to control detail levels while I'm building up a scene. To use:


12 votes

This script use for morpher symmetry + video Tutorial Transform move (Left to Right) (Right to Left) 

SymMapping_Tools for max

17 votes

This tool was created by inspired from XSI symmetry mapping with some additional feature for max and its saved on external files for easy to use. Works on editable_poly object.

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