Tagged 'Autodesk 3ds Max'


8 votes

PolySmoother is a professional tool to efficiently work with Smoothing Groups.

It allows you to visualize and manage the Smoothing Groups in a quick and easy way. You can set Hard and Soft edges, select edges by convexity, copy, paste, modify and optimize Smoothing Groups, as well as convert them from and to UV mapping, among many other features.


569 votes

SolidRocks V2.4 is out !!  Support for V-Ray 6 (hotfix 2) and  MAX 2013-2023 ! 

SolidRocks adjusts and optimise all needed Vray parameters to reach the best rendertime/quality ratio.

Learn Vray progressively, see in realtime changes made by SolidRocks when you change resolution/quality.

SolidRocks includes new tools for both VrayMasters and Beginners:

3DS Max - Convert Unique Objects To Instances - Plugin

8 votes

In this video, I will present you with a new plugin I created that converts unique object/objects into instances of a selected source object.

3DS Max - Script - Import Obj And Keep Duplicate Names

0 votes

This script will allow you to import OBJ files and keep the incoming names even if the current scene contains objects with the same names

3DS Max - Remove Objects From Isolate Mode

1 vote

This little script will help the user in removing objects from the isolate mode.
After selecting one or more objects and choosing isolate, sometimes you want to remove one or more objects from the isolated objects group. So select one or more objects that you want to remove and click the script.
Another benefit is that when the script is grayed out and not available, the user will know
That 3DS Max is not in the Isolate Mode

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