Tagged 'direction'

Advanced Bend Modifier

6 votes

A maxscript that gives the user more control over the bend modifier
It lets the user input a width and the script will move the center to get the correct width


- uses smart snap to snap to a custom grid
- easily choose angle and direction
- apply new bend modifier with correct offset
- auto update current bendmodifier with selected settings
- realtime update of all settings!
- support for all 4 directions and 4 angles (90 180 270 360)
- choose your final width
- modify multiple selections at same time
- snap position to grid

Object's Normal Fix

2 votes

Small Scripts to fix the Normal of selected shapes (Exrtude Direction)  .

- Select Shapes to Fix .

- Run the Script .

- One LeftClick on any Surface to get the Normal from it , then RightClick to Exit .

Another Script Added to Auto Fix Shapes Orientation .

* If you have 3d Curved Shape its better to use the First Script to do Manual Fix .

- UPDATE 1 :

  • Make the Macros Visible/Enabled When the Selection Contain Shapes .

- UPDATE 2 :

Align Objects To Direction (vector)

4 votes

Align Objects To Direction allows you to align the X, Y or Z axis of each of the selected objects to the direction(vector), defined by two picked in the scene points. SNAP will be turned ON automatically.

Align Pivot to Direction

8 votes

 Align Pivot to DIrection(vector) allows you to align the X, Y,Z or XYZ axis of the local pivot of each of the selected objects to the direction(vector), defined by two picked in the scene points. SNAP will be turned ON automatically.  If the Shift key is down when the axis is choosen the pivot will be moved to the first picked point.

Version 1.1 should works properly with Pen(tablets).

Superflow Elements

7 votes



V-MOTION - SF Elements // Superflow Motion Designer Toolkit // www.v-motion.co


Developed by:

ViewDirection Mover

0 votes

"Preview Video"

Macro Snippets

26 votes

Show Vert Nums
Quick Z Direction
Distance to Clipboard
Angle to Clipboard

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