Tagged 'helix'

Helix with Bezier Handles

16 votes

Just like the regular helix only with four bezier handles per turn (or more if you would like - you can control that with the Steps spinner) instead of 40 corner-points of the default Helix shape.

Helical Cylinder

34 votes

Example usage would be spiral ductwork, screw threads, flexible metal tubes, circular ramps etc. No smoothing groups are assigned, for smooth look either use Smooth modifier or add points to the spline profile.


4 votes


SuperHelix is a professional tool to create complex helix splines for 3D modeling, Animation and VFX.

Make convoluted objects like DNA strands, ropes, tornado-like shapes, balls of wool, woven wicker baskets, tangled cables, wires, springs, spirals, intricate knots and a lot more.

Build custom deformed helical paths to animate your objects, characters or particle systems.


1 vote

Spiros 3dsmax script - banner

Perfect beautiful curly shapes!



Spiros is a 3dsMax script for creating beautiful spirals, helices, curls and torus knot splines, with mathematical precision.
Make ornaments, decorations, ironwork designs, jewelry, cloth accessories, symbols from ancient cultures, tentacles, paths for animation / distribution / deformation, and a lot more.


4 votes


Helix for 3dsMax,是一款由#沐风课堂#用MAXScript脚本语言开发的3dsMax建模小工具,可以将任意弯曲形状的样条线一键转化为延该样条线路径上的螺旋样条线。

MAXScript for build helix spline.

Usage method: 

1 run Helix-1.0.0-en_US.mse.

2 create a spline in the Max view.

3 Click the "Pick Spline" button, and then pick the Spline. 

Helix Opener

-1 vote

with this script you can roll out every object in 3ds max
It's very useful for creating animation logos and for ad logos.
It's very is to use.
This script will publish in few days by HG


-10 votes

Helixometry is a geometry plugin for 3ds Max that creates helix shaped meshes. All of its controls are animatable. The biggest benefit to this over the spline helix is the ability to taper the thickness of the mesh as well as twisting and turning. Check it out.


Helixometry 1.0
- Start/End radius
- Height/Radius bias control
- Number segments that make up helix
- Number of turns
- Height of helix
- Radius randomizing option

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