Tagged 'IK'


16 votes


Pose Manager

Auto Overlap

Auto Skin

Stretchy IK Chain

7 votes

This script will convert a bone chain into a stretchable IK chain, in either squash or scale mode. Just double click the first bone of the chain and run the script.

The macroscript will be under the "Toke Scripts" category.

IKFK Stretch & Bend

2 votes

a script to generate an IK FK bend and stretch chain. You can easily switch between IK and FK, bend the arm, add as many twist bones as you want...


71 votes

This tool will change the color of bones based on their squash/stretch amount, providing the user with feedback if they have gone beyond a desired threshold. It will live update as you move around and animate in the viewport.

maTools Select IK Chain UpNode

5 votes

Select IK Chain End effector and run the script. Select the object you want as IK Chain End Effector LookAt node.


4 votes

This script is for use with the naming convention described in the Tutorial section.It lets you create a bone chain based on the orientation of a selected object.Once creation is complete you will be prompted for the name of the part that the bone chain is for.


7 votes

This script is for use with the naming convention described in the Tutorial section.Once the IK chain is created you will be prompted for the creation of an upnode object as well as a controller for that upnode.The script is still in development and will become much more robust in the near future.


3 votes

This script creates Skel Objects from Ctrl objects. This script requires the use of the naming convention described in the Tutorials section.Required File: TiM_Lib.ms


7 votes

This script is for use with the naming convention described in the Tutorial section.The script is still in development and will become much more robust in the near future.

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