Tagged 'Multi'

Layer Manager to files Exporter

6 votes

A simple tool designed for 3d modelers to save time on exporting multiple objects and to allow them the freedom to continue working in one max file. Script allows exporting to the following formats using the layer manager: FBX,OBJ,3DS,ASE, and separate max files.

Isolation Levels

10 votes

Create nested isolations, go back and forth between them. Hope it helps.

Batch Camera Previews

2 votes

This script will render out via "Preview - Grab Viewport" for multiple cameras at once. Useful if you create preview cameras a lot, or need to make multiples at once.


1. Run script

2. In Max goto "Customize->Customize User Interface...->Toolbars tab->Category: ColinScripts->OpenGL Previews" and drag "OpenGL Previews" to a toolbar, click to run.

V-Ray MultiMatte / Object ID Manager

1 vote

V-Ray MultiMatte and Object ID Manager.

Handling ObjectIDs in Max can be a hassle. This hopefully simplifies life for you. You can:

- Easily set IDs on all selected objects.
- Select objects by their ID.
- List all IDs in the scene
- Clear IDs
- Automatically clear out old MultiMatte Render elements and recreate only the ones you need in the scene!


- Refined UI
- Added incremental add and use next available ID option 

UDIM Maxscript help tool

2 votes

It’s a Maxscript tool for working with multi tile textures with 3ds Max 2016 and below.


New version v.02!
Updated: 2017.11.16

- Added set Bump option
- Fixed a bug when there are less than 10 material the self-illim and bump setter rised an error

Purpose of the script:
– When you work with multi tile texturing with older Max than 2017 there is no way to deal with the texturing fast.

What it does:


0 votes

* Title: Multi_Mats6

* Description:
-- Create Multi-Material with 6 SubMaterials
-- Can be assinged to a Box, Plane or Selection

* How to use this script:
-- Click on Multi-Material button to create a Multi-Material with 6 SubMaterials
-- We can assign this newly created Multi-Material to Box, Plane or our selected objects

Here's the screenshot of the script -

Multi Texture Tiler

4 votes

New version update: Possibility to use files without any prefix choosing them manually (thanks to Branko Živković for pushing me in that direction).


The Multi Texture Tiler (MTT) is a plugin for 3DS Max 2008 - 2013 to apply multiple textures to multiple UV-Tiles immediately.

Multi-Dimensional Array Support

15 votes

A set of functions that let you work with multi-dimensional arrays of any size/shape in maxscript.

It works by using 2 variables to represent a multi-dimensional array.
Lets call them:

JMIMdat = #(5,5,5,10)
JMIMarr = #(...)

Is an array holding the slot dimensions of your multi-dimensional array.
In this case, it is a 4 dimensional array.

Is the corresponding array to be treated as a multidimensional array.
JMIMarr.count = (5x5x5x10)

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