Tagged 'multi sub'

Material Name to Mat ID Name

2 votes

Material IDs are blank by default. This populates the blank names by copying the names of the current submaterial, ignoring undefined materials and slots that already have names in them.

Written in Max 2016, but should work in all other recent versions as well.

HoHa Material ID

3 votes

Just another small script to add "Material" modifiers on top of the sellections to assign random or in order material ID. Apply multi subobject material to the selection first.

Comment and feedback are welcome.


Change Log:

V1: Basic as above.

V1.1: Added a random IDs button for making the IDs Random (duh) :)


Multi/Sub material&ID Assistant

3 votes

Hello! It's a simple script which allows to assign material IDs in different way. The script works with Editable poly only and with one object. So this script for those guys whose work a lot with multi/Sub materials. Many thanks!

main window

Material Manager

16 votes

Allows you to quickly collect hundreds of materials in several different ways. (ie. scene materials, material editor materials, missing bitmaps in scene, material libraries, materials from selected objects, etc.) These materials get added to a browser area where you can perform various operations on whichever ones you choose.

Multi/Sub Object Material Creator

8 votes

Hi all. Here's my Multi/Sub Object Material Creator.

V.05 Updated UI to a less cumbersome version so it's easier to use. Kudos to Tassel for development)

V.04 Updated to include the option for Mental Ray material preset.

Ui tweaks to seperate the materials It now produces a random colour for each material (thanks to br0t)

Added the option to name your material (thanks to br0t)

V.03 Updated to include Mental Ray materials!

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