Tagged 'static'


1 vote

Copies horizontal position of the biped onto the root object and links the biped to the root.

Two useful uses for this script:

  1. Use it to create a root for your biped (using the Static Root option) - so you can place your biped with animation anywhere in the scene without adding extra keyframes. Simply move the root instead of the biped itself.
  2. Some game engines require a moving root to calculate biped's position in the game environment space. With a moving root the biped itself actually stays in place and only the root moves.

Export FBX to Unreal

3 votes

Designed specifically for Unreal workflow, this script provides a quick way to export scene data with minimal interaction with scene objects.

The script will quickly export static meshes and their existing collisions, skeletal meshes or skeletal animations using the FBX format.


See online guide in links section. 



Latest Updates:

Version 2.4;

MCloth Animator [MassFX]

0 votes

MCloth Animator

MCloth Animator allows you to simulate mCloth on any animated mesh directly, including the 'Skin' modifier of your character! Your mesh will stay original and not being simplified (as 'convex'). No more headache with proxy objects or exporting to other software. MCloth Animator will simulate selected objects automatically with only 1 button! Don't waste your time for routine.
Third party plugins are natively supported.

Delete static keys - cleanup tracks/fcurves - HeckTools

4 votes

Hi All

This is intended to help cleanup your track view/graph editor for animating.

script removes all static keyframes excluding the initial key. essentially this acts similarly to the Maya feature "delete all static channels".

Also, it goes through and cleans up the tracks that have extra static keys that are in between your other animation keys leaving the animation in tact, but yielding a cleaner view of the chaos spaghetti.

leave feedback if you try the tool.

*05.07.2019* update - included the missing parentheses "(" and ")"

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