
1 vote
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Dani Rosen

Copies horizontal position of the biped onto the root object and links the biped to the root.

Two useful uses for this script:

  1. Use it to create a root for your biped (using the Static Root option) - so you can place your biped with animation anywhere in the scene without adding extra keyframes. Simply move the root instead of the biped itself.
  2. Some game engines require a moving root to calculate biped's position in the game environment space. With a moving root the biped itself actually stays in place and only the root moves.

(if the biped does not match the root's position - use the Fix Root button. The script is undoable in case things don't work out)

Version Requirement: 
Tested on 3DSMax 7-2008


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lianggv's picture

Thanks fo sharing,very

Thanks fo sharing,very useful.


lianggv's picture

Thanks fo sharing,very

Thanks fo sharing,very useful.


lianggv's picture

Thanks fo sharing,very

Thanks fo sharing,very useful.


lianggv's picture

Thanks fo sharing,very

Thanks fo sharing,very useful.


lianggv's picture

Thanks fo sharing,very

Thanks fo sharing,very useful.


lianggv's picture

Thanks fo sharing,very

Thanks fo sharing,very useful.


shaimon's picture

you are a genius

thank you for your help.

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