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4 votes

Selection set manager, misc functions. This script will break your scenes and cause data loss, use at your own risk... otherwise modify at your leisure.


15 votes

The macroscript is meant to do a lightwave inspired axis constraint via
mouse movement. When the script is activated it will lock axis to the
closest major axis when starting a mouse drag (ie when you
move/non-uniform scale an object). idea by Paul Greveson. That way you
can quickly move stuff along major axis without having to use the

Unwrap Seperate By ID

3 votes

Seperates UV Data based on Material IDs. This will horizontally move each seperate Material ID to its own 0-1 coordinate space.

Creating MAXScript Installers

14 votes
What’s Wrong With .MZP Files?

Having managed tool rollouts at both small (four artists) and large (50+ artists) companies I’ve become increasingly frustrated with MAXScript installation options. MZP files do ake the process less painful, but they have some inherent problems and limitations:

How to create a self-updating Max Script or Macro Script

17 votes
How to create a self-updating Max Script or Macro Script



21 votes

Helium is a Schematic Framework that allows you to create Flow-chart
User Interfaces within 3dsmax, via maxscript. Please see the help file
and example scripts installed by the installer for further instructions
on how to use helium.

View a interface screenshot example

Avguard MAXScript Extension Package

14 votes

The legendary Avguard extensions have been improved even more, adding
dozens of incredibly useful methods/globals for the maxscript


12 votes

On the discreet Maxscript forum Dave Stewert asked if there was a
function to call the color selector. Well there wasn't so I wrote this
maxscript extension. This function programmaticly calls the color
picker dialog. So here it is.

The syntax is like this:

<< color >> GetColorPicker << Title : String >> [alpha: boolean]

Avguard MAXScript Extension Package

14 votes

The legendary Avguard extensions have been improved even more, adding
dozens of incredibly useful methods/globals for the maxscript


16 votes

It exposes the mesh skin intial bind matrix and bones intial bind
matrices. You can get and set them. Note that the set does not
immediately update, you have to do that by hand.

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