Auto Render Element "VRayLightSelect"

340 votes
Date Updated: 

Create Render Elements "VRayLightSelect" for lights.


Additional Info: 


  1. Copy folder "ecXimer" in scripts folder.
  2. Drag&drop in viewport file ""
  3. Search in category "ecXimer"


-- v0.1

  • First release.

-- v0.2

  • Fix bugs;
  • Add "Parameters".

-- v0.3

  • Added a new set only for "On" lights;
  • Added a possibility of clearing the list before adding;
  • minor bugs fixed.

-- v0.4

  • Fixed bug: if the Selection sets contained and geometry, it adds a to render elements too;
  • Small code optimization.

-- v0.5

  • You can disable indexing elements.
  • Stored settings for the current session 3dsmax.

-- v0.5.2

  • Fixed bug: Added to render elements of target lights.
Version Requirement: 
Only for V-Ray 2.0 and above.
Other Software Required: 
Tested in 3DsMax 2011 x64, but will work on any version of 3DsMax is installed VRay 2.0.
ecximer_auto_re_vraylightselect.zip7.84 KB


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themaxxer's picture


for a version for max 2020... please.
thanks themaxxer

luis_tornel's picture

update for this would be AWESOME

this is a great script that I been trying to get going, if no time for doing the updates, would it be possible to share the code so we could work on it and share it with everyone?

themaxxer's picture

yes bump this... in vray next

yes bump this... in vray next there are issues with messed up renderelements... I love this script and it would be nice to get an update...

best regards

fed_86's picture

light select element based on layer

would it be possible to have an option to create light select element based on layer?

for example if I have 5 layer and each of them has a few lights inside I would like to have 5 light selected render elements..

thank you

Ihno's picture

Update Please?

Hey, could you update this to support the new full LightSelect and its options?
I'd really, really love that.
You'd get an entry in my imaginary book of cool people. Thanks ;-)

alessandrod84's picture

Naming Light

Hi, there's any option to change how the script rename the passes...For example removing the # or set _ at the en after the last number?

Thanks for the script.

Drainzo's picture

vray 3 compatibility?

Will this work with V-ray 3? If not, do you plan on updating it to work with vray 3? It would be awesome if you did!


ecXimer's picture


Спасибо за багрепорт :)

SIL's picture

В режиме All light in scenes

В режиме All light in scenes - создается пасс для тергета солнца - так и надо?

RaaFayr's picture

Все логично, но лучше убрать

Все логично, но лучше убрать защиту от "дурака" т.к. источники и так автоматом нумеруются при создании. Хотя бы галочку сделать на отключение нумерации.

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