3ds Max | Scripts

Physique Tool

3 votes

"Ever wanted to Mirror Vertex weights with Physique? Of course. Well just use this tool. Be sure you read the tutorial on it here.
View Screenshot"


3 votes

Cycles through the selection of siblings in a heirarchy. Also works with envelopes in the Skin modifier.

Global Vertex Painter

5 votes

This tool will make global modification in vertex color / illumination / alpha values. Read the values from one object and apply the modification to others.

Select Opposite

4 votes

Unfortunately Character Studio does not give the user the ability to create shortcuts to some of the most useful tools it has to offer. This script detects which Biped bones are selected and then mirrors the selection i.e. left arm to right arm. This script supports multiple selections of bones and unlike Character Studio - it can be run on combinations of bipedal and regular bones.


4 votes

this is a quick script i threw together to render a folder of over 650 2-3 second lipsync animations for the Alias project. just point to the folder - specifiy the output folder - hit 'go' and sit back and have a sandwich. requires a camera named Camera01 (i'll prolly add the ability to specify a camera name later or if enough people ask for it).


3 votes

Select similar vertex - edges - borders or faces than selected on your editable poly object!
See it in action to see how this could help your workflow!

Toggle Selection Brackets

1 vote

Toggle the selection brackets of all animated objects within your scene.


3 votes

Select a material (must be a StandartMaterial) in the MaterialEditor - then run the script.
It scans through all objects and their materials and replaces all materials that have the same name as the selected one with an instance of this selected material

Vertex Colours to Flex

3 votes

Converts the black/white value of an object's verts into weights in a Flex modifier. Thus you can paint you Flex weights using Vertex Paint instead of Flex's default paint interface.


1 vote

This script is for use with the naming convention described in the Tutorial section.Once the IK chain is created you will be prompted for the creation of an upnode object as well as a controller for that upnode.The script is still in development and will

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