3ds Max | Scripts

Matrix demon

2 votes

Directly input an objects matrix to warp and scale it. Now works in local space as well. Good fun on cameras!


3 votes

Util for keying and adjusting morpher animations - as well as copying morpher animation from one morpher to another. Updated to allow for better 3ds max 4 support


2 votes

Collection of scripts to aid in polymodelling. This package includes scripts like Slide which slides an edgeloop towards either of it's neighbours. Dissolve - a collection of Laszlo's scripts. Untangle - which takes one selected poly and turns it into a perfect Ngon. MakePoly which lets you select a bunch of vertices and click the button to make a polygon.


7 votes

Scripted Manipulator for Editable_Meshes


3 votes

Simple down and dirty way to store two materials to assign to objects in your scene. Quickens the process of swapping materials for mattes.


8 votes

This is a function so that scripters can create shape objects easier.

See Through Inverse

3 votes

Just the opposite of the regular see-through mode in Max. It will make everything unselected see-through. Right now it doesn't work with multiple objects selected. I will try to get to that soon.

Tom's Tool

4 votes

Updated version of Tom's can script. Mostly useful for scripters who want to play with the parameters to understand what is going on under the hood. 1.0 Update includes the familiar Can tool plus box - sphere and tube tools.


4 votes

Lets you save and reload the keys of an animation; you can set interpolated or 'last' PRS-keys for all selected objects by one click


1 vote

"Find and Delete redundant faces in meshes. Has option to extract Double Faces to a separate mesh object. This version includes explicit check for MAX version. Version 3.3 relied on an error trapping code and failed to work with MAX 3 correctly. "

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