3ds Max | Scripts


8 votes

Whichever material in the material editor you choose - this script will go in and find all maps within that material that have a phase variable and assign a random number to it. This is useful if say you have two rocks - both with the same texture on it that contains several levels of procedural noise.


10 votes

Takes a Map that's in your mat editor and applies to it to selection of objects - renders the scene - then reassigns the old material back to your objects.
version 1.11 Fixed the bug where turning off atmospherics in a maxscript render turns off atmospherics for the current renderer as well.


6 votes

Takes you directly to the bottom of the stack.


6 votes

Manage camera/viewport.
- Dynamically builds a UI listing all target and free cameras.
- Allows camera selection, setting active viewport to any camera, cycling active viewport thru cameras, and dollying any camera.

ignore backfacing

7 votes

toggles ignore backfacing. will only works with poly object

IK Interactivity Speedups

4 votes

This is a collection of ways to make iteracting with IK faster when using MAXScript.


4 votes

Hides your biped skeleton. Love it!


12 votes

Prints the current Active Material Slot Index to the Listener.


3 votes

Displays the velocities of a particle system with color coded streaks.


9 votes

Scripted material plugin called 'Magmalicious' - inspired by Frank Delise's lava shader. For best results add a displacement approximation modifier to your object and adjust from there...

1.4 Update: Added coordinate selection - XYZ or UVW.

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