3ds Max | Scripts


8 votes

Add's a Post It note to an Object - a Modifier - Or a Material. The note appears in the modifier panel as a rollout - or in the material editor.

Create Align

3 votes

Prompts the user to select an object in the current scene and creates and aligns a temporary object to it. Great for animating!


5 votes

HandMaker is a scripted plug-in that creates a parametric hand with any number of fingers and finger joints - and an optional thumb. Includes finger splay and tapering - adjustable thumb placement and angle - smoothing - and even a button to convert to an Editable Poly when you’re ready to get down and edit the vertices. The mesh is created interactively as a TriMesh.


7 votes

A tool to paint weights on the standard 3ds max skin modifier - click for tutorials.


13 votes

"NormalTexMap - can be used to create a normal map by rendering custom geometry. Useful for wall detail - adding - or touching up existing normal map details. Just create custom geometry - apply and standard material with Self Ilum at 100 - and NormalTexMap and the diffuse map. You can then render the geometry as normal maps."


4 votes

Displays various useful details about the mesh or poly object being edited - right in the viewport.

In subobject mode (EMesh/EPoly) - displays the total and selected polys (EPoly only) - faces - verts - and edges. When not in subobject mode - displays the scene and selected objects face count. Comes with a MacroScript to toggle the display.

Soft Selection to Vertex Colors

7 votes

This tool allows you to use soft selections to paint grayscale vertex colors on Mesh or Poly objects. It has 4 modes: Replace - add - darken - and subtract selection.


6 votes

"FPSmove is a set of macroscript that allow you to simulate an FPS game movement inseide max.
After you select the camera you wish to use in the FPSmove Floater - you can use the macroscripts to move that camera (you can assign the macroscripts to key for easy movement)."

Copy Render to Clipboard

2 votes

Simply copies your last render to the clipboard. I've separated it into two macroscripts - one 'CopyRenderToClipboard' copies the RGB data to the clipboard and the other one 'CopyRenderAlphaToClipboard' copies the Alpha data to the clipboard.


2 votes

"Remove the timeline when you work on a static image.
Watch the example movie"

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