3ds Max | Scripts


8 votes

Hide objects - even if in an open group

Lock Keys Util

3 votes

The attached macroscript gives various options for modifying existing keys (any/multiple tracks) to be lock keys - as well as creating lock keys for pos - rot and scale.

This can be a big time saver for character animation - especially for setting up feet plants and keeping them locked for set durations.

Map to Vertex Colour

4 votes

Assigns vertex colours to an object based on its diffuse map.


5 votes

Lets you pick an object from the scene and see which lights affect its illumination


2 votes


  • Takes the material in MEdit slot #1 and makes it the default MeditMaterial on MAX startup. 
  • Replaces all 24 materials in the MEDIT.MAT library. 
  • Creates an incremental backup copy of the MEDIT.MAT so nothing is deleted.
  • BigBrother

    3 votes

    "Creates a list of various scene properties - to show what parts of the scene the animator may wish to optimize - like shadow maps that don't need to be as big - or uncollapsed modifier stacks that are too deep - etc.
    version 1.85 Changed the way the script decides whether a light is using shadowmaps or not."


    4 votes

    Takes a selected object and makes it unique (ie - if it's an instance of another object - it will no longer be an instance). Originally found as part of Blur's Object utilities - now here it is in script form.


    0 votes

    Takes any mesh object - converts it to an editable mesh - then rendomly removes faces based on a weight or percentage faces removed. Made to remove random faces from a particle emitter object - hence randomizing where particles tend to be emitted.


    1 vote

    Takes any selected objects and instances and mirrors them across the x axis in one button press. A very simple script - I wrote it primarily for people like me who are modeling cars - buildings - helicopters - whatever - and want to build everything on one side and then make frequent previews of what the model will look like with both sides (and who don't want to click on many buttons).

    ERCO Lightcontrol

    4 votes

    ERCO Lightcontrol is aimed on streamlining the setup - overview and animation for higher numbers of lights. Lights are grouped in 'curcuits' - mixing ls-lights - omnis and spot in one curcuit-group is possible. Groups can be dimmed intuitively and stored/recalled as 'scenes'.

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