Poly Loop Soft Select
0.5.0 Poly Loop Soft Select – 3dsmax MAXScript, allows when working with Editable Poly object in Edge sub-object mode filter Soft Selection by selected edge’s loop.
When Poly Loop Soft Select filter Soft Selection only edges which connected to selected edge will remain.
Version Requirement:
that would be
that would be great...definitely needs to be more interactive to be more use able.
Principal Environment Artist
plan in future
airbrush: Thank you. Yah, me also annoying uncheck soft selection. So I plan in future make true interactive loop soft selection with falloff curve control.
Nik: Thank you.
Royal Ghost | veda3d.com
nice script...a little bit of
nice script...a little bit of a pain to always have to go back and uncheck lock soft selection toggle if i want to adjust my falloff.
Principal Environment Artist
Прекрасно! Люблю такие инструменты. Спасибо! +1
Excellent! I like similar tools. Thank you!