Tagged 'loop'


24 votes

And all this works by single button

v.10.4 Fixed bug of remove single vertex

Heuristic Edge Select

10 votes

Select a loop of edges both on quad and non-quad geometry. Both a command without GUI and a settings dialog to fine-tune the stop cases are available.

Heuristic Edge Select Dialog

Loop Regularizer

100 votes

Rearranges loops in regular n-gons.

Mouse Loop-Ring

26 votes

The script for selection PolyLoop with mouse double click.
For selection PolyRing hold down the shift key.

The second click should be done with a small delay.


Now supported with Edit_Poly_Modifier.

Skip Every N-th

61 votes

Skip every vert/edge/face. In Loop mode, you can skip edges and polygons. In Ring mode you can skip vertices,edges and polygons. To make poly loop select 3 faces(the middle one is starting face), check PolyLoop checkbox, set "Skip V-E-P" spinner to value greater then 2 and start skiping. You can't skip one face, only 2 or more. Ring mode does not have this limitation. "For Steps" spinner works only with edges. If you want to skip every 2 edges five times, set "Skip" spinner to 2 and "For Steps" spinner to 5. Instalation: Drag-n-drop SkipEveryNthVEPRingLoop.mzp to 3ds max.

Poly Loop Soft Select

5 votes

Poly Loop Soft Select – 3dsmax MAXScript, allows when working with Editable Poly object in Edge sub-object mode filter Soft Selection by selected edge’s loop.

When Poly Loop Soft Select filter Soft Selection only edges which connected to selected edge will remain.

Orionflame 4

31 votes

Orionflame 4 is the successor of the acclaimed production-proven modeling toolset for 3ds max, featuring a completely redesigned and rewritten core architecture, along with several new powerful modeling tools.

Experience the difference yourself.

Note: this is a commercial script

UniRing-Loop Tools [URLT]

8 votes

The Ring-Loop selection and the edges and vertices of a single hotkey.

Universal Ring-Loop selector, works with Edges and vertex (on vertex works with bugs)

Выделение Ring-Loop и рёбер и вершин единой кнопкой

Универсальный Ring-Loop селектор работает с рёбрами и вершинами (на вершинах работает с ошибками)


2 votes


If you're constantly needing to loop through arrays of objects and tweak settings then this tool could offer you some convenience.

This is very simply a tool that will execute a "For i " loop with whatever code you put into the dialog. You can use the drop-down at the top to choose from a predefined array or choose "Other" from the list and then type the variable of an array you've defined yourself.

Select Faces By 2 Edges

2 votes

Select a Loop Faces between two selected Edges.

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