Tagged 'maps'

Save Selected With Maps

3 votes

It will collect/relink all selected objects bitmaps to the chosen folder, even if the bitmaps are just flagged "found" in the asset tracker, and it will save your selected objects to that same folder. If you don't want to change your scene bitmap paths, Save it before applying the script then reload the scene.

If path are missing or unsolved those maps will keep their missing or unsolved path, it will be easier to try to find them.

VrayMtl Copy Maps

0 votes

This script is intended to batch copy from slot to slot within the same material.

For example, you can copy the bump map to The displacement map or the diffuse map to the selfillumination map on multiple material at once.

You can copy the diffuse map to the bump or the Glossiness map and use my other script to add color correction with saturation  set to -100 and adjust other settings to fit your needs.

Names Fixer

0 votes

A Script for Replacing Chinese and illegal Characters from (Objects-Materials-Maps-Modifiers-layers) Names .

PS: Undo Disabled , So its Better to Save your Work Before Running the Script .

For Replacing Texture Names you can use Pop Chinese Script

UPDATE 1.1 :

  • Change the script name to "Names Fixer"  .
  • Add Fix for Names Sequences , ("Group464134564" will be fixed to normal sequence "Group023")

Strip Paths from Bitmaps

3 votes

Removes current paths from all bitmaps in the scene. Primarily for getting rid of irrelevant paths on files recieved from users on other systems.

This functions in a similar way to stripping paths manually in asset tracking, but when doing that I've found that it can lag a lot and sometimes fail to strip some of the paths until you do it multiple times.

Bad paths can cause lag when Max tries to search for the missing textures, especially when they're pointing to a nonexistent network location.


5 votes


Materializer (materials equalizer) is the fastest way to create materials mixing different templates. It works like a sound equalizer but for materials!
Example: To make glossy wood press the 'Wood' button and then add a little bit of plastic.

Every time you hit 'Set' selected material will be updated without removing of maps.

Plugin works both with Compact and Slate material editors.

ZOA Path Editor

39 votes

Simple Path relinker application for maps, ies, hdri corona proxy and vrayproxy objects. Features are: path text replacing and copy functions. The two text fields below each section are for "original" and for "future" paths. $ stand for string. Use it to copy a map path of a selected map to the desired text field.

User interface for the maps section. Others look the same.

VP | Material Manager Pro

2 votes


VP Material Manager - Main

The VP MATERIAL MANAGER is the perfect tool to manage materials within 3ds max in ways never possible before. Material presets can now have ATTRIBUTES that can easily be filtered with the integrated attribute filters. The times are over where you needed to dig through folders to find the material you need. Just select the combination of attributes and the preset manager will just show you the materials that fit these attributes. Finding material was really never faster!

Search Materials And Maps

12 votes



The script is also dockable and it has now a right click menu:


This MaxScript collecting all materials, maps and texture, it also allow to search materials, maps or textures by name. You can modify the texture path, also for multiple selections, and you can copy the selection to the material editor.

Photoshop tool. Open image maps in photoshop

30 votes


This is an update for an oldie but a goodie,


This is an oldie but a goody. Put simply, it is a script that will open 3ds Max material maps in photoshop. I use it in my quad menu. If photoshop isn’t open, then it will open it for you. The previous version used a hard old school search for image maps used
in your materials, before opening them in photoshop. This version uses
the max class dependencies to get all bitmaps used in a material.

xNormal Batch Baker

0 votes

xNormal Batch Baker for 3ds Max - Version BETA 1.4

xNormal Batch Baker tool for 3ds Max.

This tool will help 3D artist to improve the workflow between 3ds Max and xNormal baking maps.

Main Features

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