Strip Paths from Bitmaps

3 votes
Date Updated: 

Removes current paths from all bitmaps in the scene. Primarily for getting rid of irrelevant paths on files recieved from users on other systems.

This functions in a similar way to stripping paths manually in asset tracking, but when doing that I've found that it can lag a lot and sometimes fail to strip some of the paths until you do it multiple times.

Bad paths can cause lag when Max tries to search for the missing textures, especially when they're pointing to a nonexistent network location.

Additional Info: 

To install, run the script, then grab it from the "# scripts" category in Customize User Interface.

Version Requirement: 
Max 2016 or other recent versions
smallpoly_StripMapPaths.ms711 bytes


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Prog's picture

Got an error

Just got an error with FileName.
Max2016 Win10x64

error_max2016_win10x64.jpg 169.06 KB

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