Tagged 'Objects'

place dummys

7 votes

Places a new dummy at the center of all selected object - with rotation and position.

Deciduous Tree

11 votes

Creation of trees.

quick create primitives

7 votes

creates a primitive at the origin - without having to drag your mouse. A bit Mayaish. :)

Reference Plane Creator

11 votes

It is a utility that:
- Creates 3 types of references from side - front - and top views (independently) with your selection of
- Creates a correct size plane (the size of the image) at world center [0 -0 -0]
- Puts the plane in a seperate layer (for easy hiding abilities)
- Creates a material with the diffuseMap as the image and toggles it on


9 votes

Creates a simple geometry object consisting of multiple prisms.


8 votes

Lets you size (rather than scale) dummies.

RPC Silhouetter

5 votes

The Silhouette Script will allow you to change your RPC's to silhouettes including selecting their color and opacity for a more stylized look to your scene.


11 votes

Shows the selected object in wireframe mode - even if viewport mode is shaded.


11 votes

Solves a problem with the Tape measure helper object. Lets you move the Tape Target to the user-specified length or create additional helper dummies at the end of the tape to allow Snap to Pivot when using user-defined lengths...


7 votes

Using geospheres it creates fractal looking object. Just check examples below and everything will become clear. I don't recomed seting level to value higher than 5 on slower machines. I've had an oportunity to test this script on dual PIII 1GHz and it took few minutes to create complete mesh of level 6. Large arrays are simply too much for MAX Script to handle.

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