Tagged 'Objects'


10 votes

The user can create buckyballs (geometric shapes of carbon atoms consisting of 12 pentagons and a varying amount and arrangement of hexagons) - other fullerenes - radiolarians - soccer balls (european footballs) - or any number of other interesting geometric shapes. Cancel out of the Chamfer floater to create other fun shapes with the vertexes and edges that get selected on the base geosphere.


17 votes

TubeCap Screenshot TubeCap is a simple primitive (a flat donut) which can be used as a basis in polygonal modeling.


Create Sliding Window

9 votes

Creates a sliding window from a selection of Rectangles. This script takes the rectangles and fills the interior with a Sliding window flush with the rectangle. Make sure to change the 'include script' path statement to reflect you 3ds max location


12 votes

Creates a number of wires that travel through various target objects. Useful for making bundles of wires for robots or other mechanical devices in a few simple clicks.

Make 3 spheres anywhere in the viewport. Select all 3 spheres. Run the UI version of the script. In the wirebundler interface, click on "Add select to target list". Click Apply. It will make 10 splines, each the vertex of each spline will exist inside one of the 3 spheres. Play with the settings to get different effects.

SimpleWindow object

4 votes

Script makes fixed window with horiz-vert dividers grid, board and sill. Any part of window can switch on/off, so you can easily change it.


10 votes

This Little script lets you to create your objects Smooth wire in 3dsmax,so you can render
your object with its smooth wire.

just select your object and run this script ...
all will be done ...

RhombicPrism primitive

2 votes

Script make simple rhombic prism. There's ability to change width, length, height, taper scale, number of height segments. Also provided "Generate Mapping Coords" checkbox.


14 votes

An animatable parametric spacing tool - useful for creating tank treads or bicycle chains.

Liked Category OpenCUI

1 vote

To continually not found among heaps of categories that category into which most inputs for setup hotkeys. For instant access to the category Customize-> CustomizeUserInterface-> desired category ...

Чтобы постоянно не искать среди кучи категорий ту категорию, в которую чаще всего залазишь для установки хоткеев. Для мгновенного доступа в категорию Customize->CustomizeUserInterface->Нужная категория...


44 votes

This script simulates a toy called Pinscreen (or sometimes Pinhead). FYI that's the toy where there are a bunch of metal rods packed densely together and if you put say your hand on them the rods are displaced into the shape of your hand.

Updated by Admin on 2008-11-11 


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