Tagged 'rigging'

Travel Distance

1 vote

a Maxscript Controller to measure and expose the distance traveled by an object.
1: select an object, a point or something else
2: run the script
3: in the modify panel, clic on Pick Reference button and pick the object you want to mesure travel distance.

Now, if you animate the object in autokey, you will see the value changing.
You can use it in wire Parameter or in expressions or script controllers

Rot Follow Movement

2 votes

This tool add a Float Script on the selected Object. It forces the object to always rotate (or lookat) following the movement of the Master. You don't have to rotate the object by yourself, only to translate the master in Autokey.



Bend Biped

3 votes

It adds to the biped bend joints on Arms and Legs.
A slider on Hands and Feets control the bend value.
It also can be use to create good twist bones.
It adds the ability to stretch the Arms and legs.

You just have to skin using these new bones and not the biped ones.
But you animate using the original biped bone

SOX Dynamics

3 votes

Sorry, The management of the tool will stop temporarily.


Dummy Resizer

4 votes

A little Tool to create a Dummy and resize it, using hided Dummy properties.

Do not affect the scale values.

Rotation Order Tool

17 votes

This tool allows you to quickly change the rotation order of any object in max. You can select multiple objects and change their rotation orders all at once, or you can copy the rotation order from one object to another.

To use:
1. Select all the objects whose rotation order you would like to change. Then use the dropdown list and select which rotation order you would like to choose. The transforms for each object will be preserved as long as it has not be animated.


68 votes


 Joint Bend Rig Elbow Setup PreviewJOINT BEND RIG Shoulder Setup Preview

A Tool to greatly speed up and simplify the process of skinning the joints of characters,especially shoulders and hips which are notoriously difficult to skin. THE NEW VERSION 2 OF THE JOINT BEND RIG HAS A BIAS CONTROL TO CONTROL THE AMOUNT OF TWIST IN THE JOINT



43 votes

Toon Eyes quick setup for cartoon character rigs

13 votes

setup ffd eyes for cartoon type characters so you can easily adjust those to fit character needs, it manage symmetry and instancing nicely. then hit finalize to make them independent.
symmetry setup is really useful for modellers and riggers in team to work on UTV india project efficiently.

max customize>> lm_rigging>>tooneyes (quad / shortcut key etc)
type character code and create eyes
tweak ffd as you like
finalize eyes button to remove symmetry setup

Skin Envelope Manipulator

17 votes

With this script you can fast and easy setup skin Envelopes for your character or other object that has skin modifier.

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