Tagged 'rigging'

Copy/Paste transforms

13 votes

Copies the transforms of selected objects to a
buffer and then pastes them onto a new or existing selection.
It has the option to paste the position and/or the
and can paste it flipped around a world or custom object's
Handy for mirroring poses or animation rig components.

Fur Guides Painter

2 votes

buy it on : http://hocuspocus-studio.fr/tools/product/furguides-painter/

Fur Guides Painter is a new tool, which will drastically speed your hair&Fur and Ornatrix workflow.

If like me you are tired to try to brush Hair&Fur using the given brushes, because it just takes too long to have the results your need, this tool is definitely for you.


71 votes

This tool will change the color of bones based on their squash/stretch amount, providing the user with feedback if they have gone beyond a desired threshold. It will live update as you move around and animate in the viewport.

LH | Auto-skin

4 votes

Complete assistance to skin any 3ds Max rig !

LH | Auto-Skin will automate all the heavy skinning, leaving only finition to make manuelly, or even, in somes cases, skinning will not need editing! To make this operation, the tool will generate a "sliced" character/object, animators will be able to use this low character/object to animate more faster!

AutoBones: New auto-rigging tool for 3ds Max

2 votes

Hello, my name is Kevin Mackey.

During my time as an animator and technical artist, I have developed a tool called AutoBones, a system for
1) quickly creating character rigs using the Max bones system
2) allowing each chain of bones to be keyframed as a single object, and
3) switching seamlessly between IK and FK animation.

I have run a beta test in order to confirm a high degree of performance and stability, and am now making a commercial version available, including a 30-day free trial.

Autoweight - Automatic skinning tool for 3ds Max

20 votes

Autoweight is a script designed for 3D Studio Max helping you speeding up the skinning process of characters and machines.
You define special polygon regions and the script finds the appropriate bones, calculates the appropriate skin-vertices and sets up smooth transitions between those regions.

There are also Youtube video tutorials explaining the script step-by-step.

The new version 1.0 comes with an installer so you don't need to hassle around with the mzp-stuff anymore.

Harry's Proxy Creator

1 vote

This script is very similar to a script Jason Schleifer wrote from Maya, it allows you to split a predefined object into several segments based on the transforms of special cutter objects, these segments can then be linked back into a skeleton hierarchy. The advantage of displaying segmented geometry in the viewport rather than the skinned mesh is that you get faster playback speeds.

When you evaluate this script it create a new "Category" in the "Customize User Interface" window called "Harry's Proxy Creator" where you'll find the tool

LH | Auto-Rig

6 votes

Automatic quality rig for all lovers of animation on 3ds Max !


Maya already has a wide selection of quality rigs, but 3ds Max doesn't.

So for the animation fans looking for a quality rig for 3ds Max, without any notion of rigging required, LH | Auto-rig, an automated rig, was developed. Powerful, it works with all kinds of characters (biped, quadruped or others), with a UI for animating as well as other animation scripts.


Pose Store Helper

31 votes

A scripted helper plugin designed primarily for storing, animating and editing poses in a bone based facial rig, offering the control of a bone based rig and the speed of the morpher modifier.

+++ UPDATE: Now includes mirror pose functionality.

Link Array (directional)

-14 votes

This code simply allows a users to link a selection of objects based on the order of selection. You can use either 0 or 1 to define the direction. That allows you to link everything forwards or backwards. Rather simple code but I figured someone would find use for it.

fn fnLinkArray arr dir:0= (
	if dir != 0 then (
		reverseArr = for i = arr.count to 1 by -1 collect arr[i]
		arr = reverseArr	
	for o in arr do o.parent = undefined
	for i = 1 to (arr.count-1) do
		child = arr[i]
		parent = arr[i+1]
		child.parent = parent
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