3ds Max | Scripts

Pass Monkey

2 votes

The PassMonkey is the precursor to the RenderMonkey that is currently in development. This allows you to set your scene based off of your selection sets and your saved render presets. Has controls for environment background maps - toggling atmospherics and effects as well.

Dummy resizer

7 votes

I'm getting pretty fastidious about how I'm working and I think this script kind of proves it. I didn't want to scale dummies with 'affect object' (did I say I was getting fastidious?) and I got tired of typing '$.boxsize' so I wrote this script (my first ever written from scratch!). Very simple. Does what it says on the tin.


6 votes

This creates a floating dialog with a slider to set the radius of the paint selection.
There are also quick buttons for 'common' sizes.


7 votes

This script renders all visible cameras in the scene with the choosen render settings


11 votes

With MacroManiac - you can easily create all kind of macros and presets.


1 vote

Use this script to create a snapshot of an object then bind the snapshot to the original object.


11 votes

Toggle X Position Inheritance for the selected objects


3 votes

Enable Y Rotation Inheritance for the selected objects


7 votes

This script allows you to offset keys for selected objects. You can select sets of objects that will move together.


3 votes

This script will increase the radius of the brush in skin while painting weights.

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