3ds Max | All


9 votes

It tells you how much n-sided poly's you have - and let you select all 3 sided or all 4 sided poly's - or do a subtraction of - let's say - all 3 sided poly's. Works okay - but needs a algoritme - it's slow on big meshes... Based on Bobo's code and LightWave's interface


3 votes

Yep - everyone has one and so do I :) - I have it bind to the spacebar.

Announcing the ScriptSpot "RE-launch"

9 votes
The day is finally here! I am proud to announce an entirely new ScriptSpot is here! Completely rebuilt from the ground up, the new site has been built specifically to address the needs of the community for years to come.

Check out these new features:

  • User based content submission (scripts, extensions, tutorials, news). No more waiting for your script, plugin, tutorial to go live. All of you have the ability to get your content live, any time, 24/7/365.
  • User blogging that pulls together your blog with all your submitted content. Example - my blog allows me to blog any new announcements or news about myself / my submissions while making it easy for users to see what content I've submitted and what content has been marked as my "favorite". The idea was to create a way for users to have their own blog and storage for their relevent content and present it to people in a very readable way.
  • Additional application support - initial site rollout adds SketchUp, future additions of XSI, Maya, Lightwave, Rhino, Cinema4D, etc based on demand.
  • Favorites allow users to mark any content as their "favorite" then allowing the community to see what scripts particular people find to be useful. Favorites are implemented on the individual user blog page.
  • Email subscription allows users to subscribe to virtually all content, be it a script, plugin, blog and be notified via email when it is updated or commented on.
  • Full comment system and content ranking. Like a script or plugin? Give it a thumbs up by clicking the "plus" sign on the voting widget. Want to leave some constructive feedback, use the comment system to contribute your thoughts!
  • Forum - really, its about time!


8 votes

Allows you to toggle on and off the interpolation of keys on the fly. This allows you to do pose to pose timing for character animation etc. This new version now works with object parameters such as Height and Segments as well as modifiers. One good use of this is for working with the morpher to see your key poses. See the comments at the top of the script for instructions and limitations.

Velocity Channel Output

10 votes

This is a scripted render effect for creating motion vector images for use
with ReelSmart Motion Blur from RE:Vision Effects, Inc. I wrote it because I wasn't happy with the velocity channel in Render Elements.

Scripted controllers and object references in 3dsmax R6

13 votes


13 votes

InstaWire is a MacroScript utility. It is based on an idea by Neil Blevins of Blur Studio.
It provides a new flexible way for fully or partially instancing objects, materials and modifiers.

Ultra Edit Syntax File

11 votes

This is a syntax file for Ultra Edit.

Working at Autodesk - I have had access to resources that most folks don't have - and using procedural methods - have generated an authoritative syntax file for Ultra Edit.
It lists
Every single scripter visible class
Every single scripter visible function - including functions off of global const structs


18 votes

Strictly speaking it's not an Extension, but it does extend the
capability of MAXScript and provides a function not otherwise
available. It is a DOS utility program to handle unwanted dialogs in
MAXScript. For details, see send0k(2)-MAXForumThread.txt and the header
of sendok.c.


6 votes

Lets you modify various controls for all selected splines.

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