3ds Max | Scripts

Pivot 2 edge

10 votes

v1.3e :slider for progress + Esc to exit + hide command panel

(進度顯示 + ESC鍵終止 + 多於10個物件就隱藏命令面板)

v1.2e :support multi object  and group


set Pivot(Z axis) to select edge (poly only).

1.select a poly edge (選一條 poly 的線)

Border Spline

2 votes

The free scripted shape plugin will generate a spline along all the borders of all the editable poly objects assigned to it. For non-editable poly objects, apply an Edit Poly or Poly Select Modifier to use with this shape plugin.

Architecture to Standard Material Converter

4 votes

This macroscript converts Architectural materials to Standard materials for use with VR exporters that require this setup.

Rock Generator

264 votes

aa_rockGen 1.0 - maxscript procedural rock generator for production and real time environments.


4 votes

Real Size

0 votes

Script shows a 3d model in a real physical size.

Helpful to check size and proportions.

Installation: Drag`n`Drop on 3dsmax viewport.


0 votes

A useful tool for furniture designers and small businesses that require the cutting of various materials (natural wood, laminated wood, MDF, plexiglass, etc.) without the use of CNC machines. It is a real time saver for quickly obtaining the consumption when cutting the panels.


Move to Surface (New tool)

0 votes

This tool can move Points and objects to a surface very fast, It is ideal for massive jobs with large
amounts of points or objects.

New Tool


3 votes

its based on the Lightlister that ships with vray which is based on the original that came with max.

the additions i made are.
- added support for corona lights, corona material and corona light material
- added tooltips to some parameters
- ability to edit ies files on vray, photometric and corona lights
- wider interface

tested on : 3DMax 2015 – 2016


Stretchy Bones Converter

1 vote

Script for automating the process of getting 3dsMax's native stretchy bones into any game engine: creating a separate de-hierarchized bone structure that follows the motion of the base bone structure and automatically migrating skin weights on a mesh to those new bones.

Select the bones that you want to be affected with "Pick bones" button.
Select the affected mesh with a skin modifier with "Pick skinned object" button.
Press "Convert and reskin" button.


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