3ds Max | Scripts


2 votes

TPCacher script  makes it easier for cache and Deadline submission.


2 votes

'tP DataViewer' for faster feedback than default debug mode.
Support Group filtering and groupSubtree selection.


0 votes

This script will create screens from images. Set the diagonal size in inch, the frame thickness and the screen depth are by default in cm. This script was requested by locb, http://www.scriptspot.com/forums/3ds-max/general-scripting/tv-screen-object

Install by drag and dropping in the viewport, then go to customize, customize user interface, tool bar, category "SimonScripts"

Find identical geometry and instance it

35 votes

Everybody who have imported large amount of data from any cad system know that it normally kills the instancing. The intention of this script is to find geometrically identical nodes and instance them. This script will of course work if someone have used copy instead of instance in a scene and wants them instanced instead.

Added 2015:
I'm happy to see that so many have tried out my Sunday hack that I made 5 years ago...but as it was only something to do for a Sunday its not really something I support. I would love to, but my daytime job takes all my time ;-)

Create doors in 3 seconds.

0 votes

Create doors for your architectural visualization project with just a few clicks.

This software has been tested on 3dsMax 2021 and 3dsMax 2023. It is possible to work on 3dsMax 2020 and newer versions.

The material used is 3dsMax Physical Material which is compatible with all renderers such as Vray, Corona, FStorm, and others.

Datasmith Layer Exporter (3DS Max to Unreal Engine)

2 votes

A simple maxscript that batches layer export to .udatasmith for Unreal Engine and 3DS Max users.

Make Objects Name Unique

0 votes

One-click will rename any objects with duplicate names to make them unique.

Pomodoro Timer

0 votes

A Pomodoro Timer is integrated into 3dsMax to increase productivity. It is compatible with 3dsMax 2016 and later versions.


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