3ds Max | Scripts

Texel Density Tool

5 votes

A small tool for working with your texel density and scaling your UV-shells.

Some features:
Has a minimalistic Interface (similar to Maya)
Can Get and Set texel density.
Saves all of your settings (including window position) every time you close it.
Shows the most understandable values (px/m).
Works with different system untis (including non-metric).
Can scale UV-Shells horizontally or/and verically using custom pivot.

Requires Unwrap UVW modifier applied and active.

Works bad when:
UV-Shell is not convex (has no seams).

Skipped Tools

4 votes


Skipped tools is a collection of scripts that are highly needed in daily works to quickly access some features in 3ds max, for example you can change both the system and file unit with a single click, or a kind of switch rendering option that makes an object unrenderable, and turning its visual style to xray mode for quick accessing that object and navigating it inside the scene ..


Material Quick Override (free)

1 vote

A small macro that helps you quickly toggle Global Material Override mode off and on. It’s convenient for artists who need to switch between modes to check the current scene. Supports Corona Renderer and V-Ray. Hold shift while clicking the toolbar button to add CoronaWire or VrayEdgeText to the material used as an override.

MoveAI To Biped Converter

1 vote

This is maxscript tool for converting Move AI animation into Biped Motion.
You can learn more about Move AI here https://www.move.ai/ .
you can get The script here : https://ishaksuryo11.gumroad.com/l/tghqe

check my other tools collection here: https://ishaksuryo11.gumroad.com/

MoveAI To Biped Converter

0 votes

This is maxscript tool for converting Move AI animation into Biped Motion.
You can learn more about Move AI here https://www.move.ai/ .
you can get The script here : https://ishaksuryo11.gumroad.com/l/tghqe

check my other tools collection here: https://ishaksuryo11.gumroad.com/

Rolling Ball

0 votes

Rolling Ball, is a Script for 3Ds Max that allows the automatic rotation of a ball in any direction and on any surface.

The Script mathematically calculates how much the ball should rotate and in what direction. Considering the distance traveled and the radius of the ball.

Fence Generator

0 votes

Enhance your 3D modeling workflow with our Spline-to-Fence Converter tool built with Maxscript. Easily transform splines in your scene into realistic fences and posts with just a few clicks. Choose from a selection of 11 fence types tailored to your project needs, and customize specifics such as fence height, number of posts, gap between planks, and more.

Viewport View Selector

1 vote


What this script do:

This script allow you to select viewport view using gestures and left/right mouse button.

How to use it:

 Assign shortcut. Press a button an interface will appear.

Isolate layer

2 votes

** currently only works when layer explorer is open **

Isolate layers by current selected layer or selected object.
Simple script utilizing macro recorder so its nothing fancy or elegant but it works well!

Run script
Assign shortcut

Select layer
press shortcut (for me its Shift+Q)


Select object in scene
press shortcut

Custom Shortucts List

5 votes

Simple dialog that shows all user-set hotkeys in one list. Hovering over each button shows the category and group of the action. Clicking the button executes the action - unless the button shows as disabled, which means that the action is not available (the macro might have got lost or it may belong to a plugin which is currently not installed).

Hotkey list

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